The Pachacamac Archaeological Complex, for almost 2,000 years was one of the main centers of religious oult, an oracle center of the Central Andes. Its origins date from 200 a. c. This oult exerted considerable influence in the beliefs of the anden man, which transcended by far the Spanish influence in the continent. The history of Pachacamac was influenced by different cultures, becoming through the ages a center for the spreading of ideas and bellefs. For this reason it became one of the most important cultural centers in the religious ans economic life of the andean worid. The name and attributes of the deity changed through time and from culture to culture. Pachacamac, the name, as we know it today, means » he who enlivens the universe and everything, one of its main powers as a deity «was to make the earth tremble». At present, it is the only precolonial SANTUARY CITY which represents the anden cosmogony, with a milenary path, felt through the different cultures of which it was the main center. This historical legacy is characteristic and representative of the cultural, social, economical and religious development of the peruvian central coast. Its architecture represented by its temple, (bulit through the ages by different cultures) streets, walls, and the location of the city itself are a proof of the wisdom of its ancient inhabitants in the hangling and use of the enviroment, which makes of this city and example of the development of andean civilization. The settlement pattern, design and building of the city of Pachacamac, make it a great universal example in the art of adobe building, Its architectonic technology, design and use of space, constitute a milenary answer to the adecuate handlinu of the soil. At present, the Santuarey City of Pachacamac occupies the first place, because it is visited by the grestest number of tourists who come to Lima (sometimes as many as 4,000 a month), and the second in ranking as the most visited archaeological site in Peru. We believe it is of the out most importance to the Peruvian State to guaranty the integrity and defense of the Archaeological Complex of Pachacamac, because it is a historical landmark, a symbol of the national, local and cultural identity; an educational tool which leads us to accept our cultural plurality; a research center which allows us to make ours the ancestral experience; a source of economic wealth by becomig the center of local development, Only thus it will be an integrating factor for the cultural development of the Peruvian people of today.